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Every person has sudden tooth sensitivity at least once: toothache when drinking cold or hot drinks, toothache when eating sweet or sour foods, pain when brushing teeth.

While these symptoms are tolerable, they are ignored, but this is a sure sign that it is time to go to the dentist and find out the causes of increased sensitivity of the teeth, what is behind it, what to do with it and what means can be used to cure sensitive teeth.

Learn more from experts in teeth sensitivity in Pune.


What are the causes tooth sensitivity?

  • Improper brushing

    Brushing your teeth too vigorously or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can lead to gum inflammation and retreat, damage to tooth enamel and promote dentin exposure.

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  • Inflammation of the gums

    gingivitis - can cause gum swelling and soreness. Progressive gum disease can spread to the tissues surrounding the tooth and fixing it in the jaw. This leads to contraction of the gums and bone tissue and exposure of the tooth neck. Weakening of the gums and bone structure ultimately leads to tooth loss.

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  • Teeth Whitening

    Teeth sensitivity after using home systems and even after professional whitening is very common. The manifestation of sensitivity and the period of time during which it is observed varies depending on each individual case and the condition of the person's teeth.

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  • Bruxism

    Bruxism is involuntary clenching of the jaws and grinding of teeth. Patients who suffer from teeth grinding can crack and damage the dental surface over time, making it vulnerable to hot or cold irritants. As a result of teeth grinding, the chewing surfaces of the teeth become flat, the teeth can be "erased" to hemp. On the chewing part of the tooth, the dentin surface becomes bare, smooth and crystalline.

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  • Mouthwash

    Mouthwashes with a high alcohol content and containing bleaching agents may cause tooth sensitivity in some patients.

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  • Dental Procedures

    Sometimes after dental procedures, such as grinding a tooth, placing a crown or filling, removing tartar,teeth sensitivity may appear that lasts temporarily.

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  • Age

    Aging plays a role in increasing tooth sensitivity. Teeth can become sensitive with age, even if you have never complained about it before. Research shows that patients between the ages of 20 and 30 are more likely to be more sensitive than patients of other ages.

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  • Food

    Foods high in acid, such as apples, tomatoes, citrus fruits, can contribute to dental erosion, which in turn makes teeth more sensitive.

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  • Malnutrition

    Malnutrition is most common among women in the 20-40 age group. Women who follow an unbalanced diet without adequate intake of vitamins and minerals may have decreased salivary secretion. Lack of saliva reduces the natural mineralization of the teeth. Prolonged demineralization can contribute to the process of erosion of tooth enamel. This, in turn, leads to increased tooth sensitivity due to exposed dentine. Girls and women who suffer from anorexia and bulimia, while spitting up food, expose their teeth to severe and irreversible damage - stomach acids cause erosion of tooth enamel.

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How to prevent sensitivity of teeth and gums, what helps?W

Good oral hygiene is essential to prevent tooth sensitivity:

Regular and correct brushing of teeth.

Using soft toothbrushes.

Using dental floss to remove food debris and plaque between teeth.


Mouthwash has a disinfecting and refreshing effect. It can and should be used at least after every brushing of your teeth, or more often. Mouthwashes can also help with bad breath.
A good remedy for cold-sensitive teeth is a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride restores the natural protection of the tooth, strengthens the enamel and reduces pain sensitivity.
Whitening toothpastes, which make teeth brighter, are not recommended by experts for patients with sensitive teeth, because they damage the surface of the tooth, rather than strengthening
If you have bleeding gums, redness, and swelling, VISIT OUR DENTIST at GoBest Dentist to prevent the condition from getting worse.

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How can we help you?

The most important measures to protect your teeth from dental disease are regularly brushing your teeth correctly and removing food debris from and between your teeth after meals. Natural depressions, or grooves, on the chewing surface of molars are ideal places for bacteria to grow due to the inability to clean them well enough.

In such cases, covering the teeth with a sealant or filling the fissures with a special dental filling material will be effective prophylaxis. Once the fissures are sealed, the grooves become smooth and shallow, making cleaning easier and bacteria can no longer grow there.

Effective treatment of tooth sensitivity in the presence of micro cracks in the enamel or an open tooth neck - fluoridation, dental varnish coating. Fluoride polish strengthens teeth and promotes regeneration.

In addition to these, diseases of gums and supporting tissues can be treated by simple procedures like scaling and flap surgeries which will significantly reduce the amount of tooth sensitivity.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Stress and hormonal changes during pregnancy can negatively affect the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight off bacterial contamination or infection. In addition, the increased circulation caused by hormonal and daily stress can cause swelling and tenderness in the gums. As a result, women are more prone to oral infections during pregnancy.
During menopause, the female body is also subject to hormonal changes, which, as in pregnancy, can affect the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums. The consequences, if not taken care of, are tooth sensitivity, gum inflammation, gingivitis and periodontal disease.
When people are tense, they unconsciously tense their jaw muscles. Squeezing and grinding teeth at night erases enamel, the protective substance of the tooth. This leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth.
